Argentina. The national government opened the import of auto parts with the publication of Decree 196 in the Official Gazette, with the aim of promoting competition in the market and reducing the cost of automotive components.
The Minister of Deregulation, Federico Sturzenegger, justified the measure by pointing out that the protection of the automotive industry has resulted in lower quality vehicles and spare parts, which, according to him, also impacts road safety. "The protection of the automotive industry, as it bequeaths us worse cars and spare parts, is also responsible for road fatalities," he said.
The decree establishes that all parts and auto parts intended for vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers may be marketed, produced or imported without prior authorization, marking a significant change in current regulations.
Sturzenegger assured that manufacturers and importers must guarantee compliance with technical specifications. In addition, he explained that "serial imports will not need LCM or LCA if they have internationally recognized certificates, which will reduce unnecessary state interventions."
Import safety certification will also be enabled through a Vehicle Safety Certificate. According to the minister, this measure seeks to eliminate redundant requirements: "Before this change, if someone wanted to import a mass vehicle for sale in the United States or Europe, they had to certify its suitability and environmental standards, a procedure that we consider absurd, given that these vehicles have already been tested and approved in developed markets."