United States. The Auto Care Association testified last week before the Idaho State Senate Committee on Commerce and Human Resources in opposition to SB 1233.
The bill added headlights, fenders, hoods, taillights, and bumper components to the definition of accident replacement parts; added language to written disclosure statements informing consumers that non-OEM crash parts can affect a vehicle's safety and performance, and recommended that consumers consult with a qualified industry expert or repair shop before making any decisions regarding the use of non-OEM crash parts.
SB 1233 is a proposed amendment to Section 41-1328B of the Idaho Code, which would make it an "unfair claims settlement practice for an insurer to specify the use of OEM accident replacement parts in the repair of an insured person's vehicle. motor vehicle, or that a repair shop or installer uses non-OEM replacement parts to repair a vehicle, if the consumer has not been notified in writing."
"Specifically in Idaho, our industry provides more than 12,492 jobs, generates $1.6 billion in economic activity and provides $679 million in wages," said Tod Moore, grassroots and advocacy manager for the Auto Care Association.
"SB 1233 would have immediate and detrimental effects on this vibrant aftermarket ecosystem, not to mention the negative effect it will have on consumers," he added.
Although SB 1233 had only recently been introduced in late January, it was moving quickly through the Idaho State Senate, the association says.
Along with members of the Auto Care Association, the association quickly took action to prevent the bill from becoming law and sent letters of opposition to committee members highlighting its impact on aftermarket businesses in Idaho.
During the hearing, the committee heard testimony from supporters and opponents of the bill before ultimately voting to keep the bill in committee to prevent it from moving forward. Similar legislation was also recently defeated in Washington state.