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Melett's network of Authorized Service Centers expands to Latin America

International. Melett announced the expansion of its network of Authorized Service Centers (ASCs) in Latin America. This initiative seeks to bring the renowned European quality to the region, offering turbocharger repairs with high standards of precision and customer service.

The ASC network is comprised of experienced turbocharger repair specialists, using Melett precision engineered components and state-of-the-art equipment. In Europe, the network has been praised for its reliability and technical excellence, establishing itself as a trusted choice in countries such as Poland, Italy and Spain.

Expansion in Latin America will begin in Mexico, with the initial opening of ASCs in Guadalajara, Monterrey (with additional sites in Merida and Queretaro), Mexico City and Aguascalientes. Each center will offer complete inspection and diagnostic services to ensure efficient and long-lasting solutions to local workshops.

Darren Johnson, Group Sales Director, said: "Our ASC network has earned a reputation for prestige in Europe. We are now extending those standards to Latin America to support local workshops with high-quality and reliable solutions."

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Jose Fuentes, Sales Account Executive for Latin America, added, "We are excited to bring our technical expertise and commitment to quality to Latin America. Our ASCs are ready to provide quick and efficient solutions to turbocharger repair challenges in the region."

The initiative will not only strengthen the company's presence in Latin America, but will also enhance the capacity of local workshops to offer high-quality repair services. This step marks a significant advance in the company's commitment to global excellence in automotive engineering

Laura Restrepo
Author: Laura Restrepo
Editora en Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicadora social y periodista apasionada por las letras e historias. [email protected]

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