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Auto parts production will exceed 126 billion dollars by the end of 2024

Mexico. During the first quarter of 2024, auto parts production in Mexico showed great growth, reaching 31,194 million dollars, which represents an increase of 8% compared to the previous year.

During March 2024, a monthly production record was reached, exceeding 10,500 million dollars, marking a historic milestone for this month and consolidating annual expectations above 126 billion dollars.

The increase in the production of auto parts was led by states not traditionally linked to the automotive industry, such as Yucatán with a growth of 52%, Zacatecas (19.7%), San Luis Potosí (15.8%), Durango (14.1%) and Guanajuato (13.5%), according to the general director of the industry.

The diversification of the sector was also remarkable. According to Armando Cortés Galicia, general director of the National Auto Parts Industry (INA), electrical parts represented 19.42% of total production and highlighted their diversity, from transmissions and clutches to fabrics, carpets and automotive seats, as examples of the dynamism of the sector, which "reflects the constant evolution and adaptation of the auto parts industry to meet the demands of the global market." Said.

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In terms of employment, the auto parts industry has played a crucial role in the national economy, providing work to a monthly average of 869 thousand people from 2019 to date. This sector not only contributes to economic growth, but also drives the country's development.


Laura Restrepo
Author: Laura Restrepo
Editora en Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicadora social y periodista apasionada por las letras e historias. [email protected]

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